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Picked Red Apples

Has God CALLED You Into Ministry?

Learn from our Apostolic School of Ministry to function in your call.


Licensing or Ordination...First question has God called you? If yes, let us equip and train you for the works of ministry in our ministry internship program. The ministry program is a minimum of one year.

Individuals will be subject to evaluation before elevation. 


The Ministers in Training (M.I.T.) program is for those newly called into leadership who are Spirit-filled, living a holy life, and are in the process of answering his/her call to ministry. 

The candidate must be in good standing in their local church, and community and living an exemplary life. The candidate accepted into this program will be expected to complete a course of studies outlined by the Stepping Stone Christian Education (SSCE) Educational Department.



The MIT program is designed to be comprehensive in areas of study that are spiritual and biblically based. While the program is flexible, it has built-in requirements so that you are properly trained and equipped.

The Ministers in Training Program at Stepping Stone Christian Education is committed in keeping with Ephesians 4:12-13, for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. Till we all come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.



Steps To Ordination

1. Minister in Training (M.I.T.)

2. Licensed Minister

3. Ordained Elder


When you complete our training you will:

1. Know WHO you are

2. Know WHAT your Call/Purpose is

3. WHERE your destiny is headed

4. You will understand and function in Healing and Deliverance** 

5. You will understand Mark 16:17-18

6. You will understand the Holy Spirit 

7. You will Understand Apostolic Ministry

8. You will understand Apostolic Succession

9. You will understand ORDER and ETIQUETTE**

10. You will understand Discernment and being led by the Holy Ghost

11. You will understand the Laying on of Hands

12. You will understand the Apostolic Doctrine

13. You will understand Praise and Worship**

14. We will cover some Demonic Terminologies

15. You will understand Ephesians 4:11-12

16. You will understand the 5-Fold Ministry/Ascension Gifts

17. You will understand what it means to be a SERVANT and to SERVE**

18. You will be a Disciple and understand what it means to be a Disciple

19. Meaning of Liturgical Vestments and Clergyman Colors

20. You will be required to run service, do sermons (being ready in season and out of season), and conduct praise and worship before service.





It doesn't matter how many scriptures you can quote if you don't know how to apply the Word to your life --Apostle Asia Turner

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